Since 1976, funeral service professionals in the United States have taken great pride in offering families the Living Memorial® tree planting program. It’s a very special program that provides for the planting of a tree as a tribute to your loved one. In an agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, the program has been responsible for planting in most of the 156 National Forests. The Living Memorial program has contributed more that nine million trees and reforesting more that 14,500 acres in the past two decades. It is now the largest reforestation project in the United States. Since 1976, the Living Memorial program has grown to include forests in Canada, as well as Australia.
When families select an Options®
Personalized Urn or
Wind Chime from TheUrnStore.com, we will make arrangements, at no additional cost to you, for a tree seedling to be planted in a national forest. The species and location of the trees are determined by one of the government agencies in charge, based upon the greatest reforestation need. While the tree bears no visible identification, you can take great pride in knowing that you are helping contribute to a major environmental initiative. Your family will receive a special certificate from the agency in charge of that particular tree planting activity in the United States, Canada or Australia.
More than just a fitting tribute, this program provides for trees that shelter our wildlife, reduce water and wind erosion and contribute to the purity of the air we breathe. Their existence brings comfort and hope. They will ensure that generations to come will know the beauty of a green plant. What a better legacy to leave? As a life ends, a new life begins.